After our very successful Sports Day last year I am pleased to announce that this year the school inter form athletics competition will take place at Hornchurch Athletics Stadium on Friday 14th June 2019 from 8.35am – 3pm. All pupils will be expected to attend this event, whether that being in a spectating or performing capacity, and will be required to wear PE kit.
Using this excellent off-site facility recognises the importance and value of sport within the community. We very much value the support of parents/ guardians in this context. You are most welcome at our sports day and will be allocated a section of the grandstand to spectate. All adult spectators will be asked to register at the gate. All information relating to the event will be available on the School website in the week running up to the event.
Pupils will be asked to make their own way to and from the athletics track; details and directions of the location are stated below. Directions and a map can also be found on the school website. If a pupil has a valid reason as to why they are unable to make their own way to the venue alternative arrangements will be made by the school. Registers will be taken at the stadium and absenteeism on this day will be treated in the same manner as absenteeism on any other day.
Your son/daughter must bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink to this event. The catering facilities will not be available on the day. Children entitled to FSM will be provided with a packed lunch. Please also ensure that your child has suitable sun protection/ additional clothing depending on the weather. We also encourage valuable items to be left at home.
Hornchurch High behaviour policy must be followed throughout the day. All students are ambassadors for our school when out in the community.