Dear Parents/Carers,
As you are probably aware, the Government’s guidance on the coronavirus has changed from the ‘contain’ phase to one of delaying the spread of the virus. We are getting in touch to let you know what we are doing in light of this, and what we expect from all of you, to help make sure our school community keeps safe and calm.
We would like to reassure you that at Hornchurch High School we are taking all of the necessary steps to protect our community and are continuing to follow official guidance from the Government, and Havering Local Authority.
What’s the current situation?
What we’re doing to protect and support pupils and staff
Students know they should report to the Student Services office if they feel unwell.
The school is cleaned every day.
Hand sanitation is available throughout the school.
Students will be kept updated by Form Tutors each day.
What we need you to do
If you have recently changed your contact details, please inform the school office as soon as possible via email or phone 01708 691441 x 208200.
Talk to your children about the coronavirus. It is a scary time and we should make sure children feel supported. BBC Newsround has regular updates for younger children and YoungMinds has practical steps older children can take to help with anxiety.
Come and collect your child straight away, if we ask you to (we will contact you if they become ill with either a temperature or a new, continuous cough).
Let us know if you do not have access to the internet, as we may provide on line resources in the event of closure in the future.
What happens if the school has to close?
We will only close if we are either officially advised to do so or we don’t have enough staff to run the school. In either case, we will: