We are currently at the height of exam season and you will probably be in the midst of revision, so you’re probably a bit stressed out.
We’ve got some tips on how to reduce your stress!
Stay Positive
Remind yourself that there is life after exams. Exams are, of course, important for your future plans and your career but you are so much more than your exam results. Keep thinking about where you want them to take you.
Get Organised
Make sure you know when your exams are and look at your seating plans in advance to reduce stress on the morning. Make checklists of topics and things to do this will give you a sense of owenership and control over your exams.
Take Frequent Breaks
Don’t try to cram, we can only concentrate for short periods. Do 20 minutes and take breaks, do what makes you happy! You will retain more info this way.
Try to Enjoy Life
Just because you’re in the middle of revision and exams, doesn’t mean you can’t have any fun. Set yourself reasonable revision goals and when you reach them, reward yourself!
What are they doing?
Don’t worry about what others are doing!! Everyone works differently and if you can hinestly say that you are doing your best then keep going!
Knowledge organisers and revision guides.
Each subject has given you ample revision materials. Use your revision guidelines booklet to help you organise your revision. Use your revision guides from each subject to push you forward.
After the exam, DON’T discuss answers you gave! It will only stress you out.
Revise outside!!
This time of year is usually sunny. Take advantage of that and revise in the fresh air. The sun also makes you happy!
Take Care of Yourself
Make sure to eat well, drink plenty of water and get enough rest during exams. You won’t be able to revise effectively if you’re not looking after yourself. Get to bed early!
For more help… see your teachers. They know what they’re doing!