Dear Parents / Carers,
The school will be closed from Friday 20th March at 3.00pm for the majority of students until further notice.
However, in line with Government guidance we will be providing skeleton staffing arrangements to ensure that children of key workers (e.g. NHS staff, emergency services, supermarket workers/drivers etc.) or vulnerable students (children with EHCP or who have social work involvement) are supervised in school.
It is very important that parents of the above children let us know as soon as possible if your child will be attending school and will need supervision. Please email by end of day today (Friday) to alert us if they will be attending. In addition, please let us know what their lunch arrangements will be eg. packed lunch, Free School Meals or lunch purchased from the school canteen. We believe that the school will be open for these students from 8.30am – 3.00pm but this may be revised at a later date.
A more detailed letter and summary of procedures regarding the school closure will follow later today and additional updates will be sent tomorrow.
Thank you all for your support in these unprecedented times.
Kind regards
Ms V. Masson
Head Teacher