Helping to support students to plan their future and career is a high priority for the Academy.  We value our students as individuals and place great emphasis on supporting and guiding our young people both personally and academically to ensure that they achieve their full potential.  Central to an effective Careers Programme is the ability to inspire and motivate young people to accomplish their future ambitions.

This Careers Hub has been contains information and useful web links that you will need to help support your child in making the right decisions about Post-16 education and Career Aspirations

Mr Norris, Careers Leads, working alongside Careers Advisors from Prospects and with our links to local colleges/Sixth Forms, will help students to discover their future career aspirations and support their transition into Post-16 Provisions. All information relating to careers is accurate as of September 2023. This information will be reviewed again in September 2023.

Job Types…

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How to Become…

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Advancing yourself further through learning is important throughout your life. Obtaining a higher education qualification such as a degree, will significantly improve career prospects read on to discover where you learning can take you…

Most great things begin with a plan. Your career should be no different. A plan will give you something to work towards. It’ll also help you make the most of the opportunities that come your way. They say that looking for a job is a job in itself. Why not start researching now…

Work Experience
Enhancing employment skills is crucial to developing a workforce of tomorrow; one way to update and develop skills of young people is through work experience. It is also a great tool to see if a career that you have in mind is right for you. Why not give it a try…

Ever thought about starting an apprenticeship? Did you know that you can now achieve a degree through an apprenticeship? You could learn and gain new skills whilst earning a wage! There are more than 250 types of apprenticeship covering over 1200 job roles; from engineering to financial advice and Veterinary Nursing to accountancy.
