The aim of Careers Advice and Guidance at Hornchurch High School is to help every student be informed and aware of all of their different progression options as well as help them to recognise and develop their employability skills, career and job aspirations and be equipped and prepared as possible for when they leave school.
The school has a careers Policy and Careers Overview, both of which are reviewed annually. The Careers Overview shows all the activities undertaken throughout the academic year, including events and enrichment activities.
Please click below to find out what the Careers Department will deliver to each Year Group during the 2022/2023 Academic Year.
Year 7 Careers Overview
Year 8 Careers Overview
Year 9 Careers Overview
Year 10 Careers Overview
Year 11 Careers Overview
Development Plans
Please click below to access the Careers Development Plan for 2022 – 2023.
(NOTE – Please add a Hyperlink to the attached document entitled ‘careers Development Plan 2021-2023)
Destination Data
Schools collect information on intended destinations and pass it on to local authorities, so that the local authorities can fulfil their requirement to ensure students have an education or training placement for the September after they finish key stage 4. This is recorded on the National Client Caseload Information System (NCCIS) for the Department for Education and for local authorities.