Student Voice
The Student Voice at the Hornchurch High is significant and respected by staff and pupils. We strive to ensure that students are involved in decisions that affect the environment in which they learn. To become a member of the Student Voice a letter of application is sent to the senior year 11 prefects who discuss applications with the Assistant Head Teacher.
Student Voice worked closely with the Head Teacher and the Assistant Head in the design and content of Upper and Lower school journals. Students have been involved in the interview process with all Senior Leadership Team members for the past two years, this included the appointment of the current Head Teacher. Student Voice have presented to the Head Teacher and the Governoring Body with regard to new toilet facilities and the introduction of summer uniform.
On Open evenings despite the school closing at 1.25pm, 190 students return at 6.00pm to work in departments or guide and speak to prospective parents. Senior Year 11 prefects meet with the Assistant Head Teacher every Friday. Year 10 and 11 prefects organise parent evenings. This includes greeting parents, logging attendance and distributing refreshments.
Year 10 prefects and Student Voice members assist in the running of the reading zone.
Structure of student voice
There is an executive committee of year 10 students who overlook 6 areas, these are;
[lgc_column grid=”25″ tablet_grid=”25″ mobile_grid=”50″ last=”false”]Subjects[/lgc_column]
[lgc_column grid=”75″ tablet_grid=”25″ mobile_grid=”75″ last=”true”]- facilitated by Ms Masson[/lgc_column]
[lgc_column grid=”25″ tablet_grid=”25″ mobile_grid=”50″ last=”false”]Events[/lgc_column]
[lgc_column grid=”75″ tablet_grid=”25″ mobile_grid=”75″ last=”true”]- facilitated by Mr Wimbush[/lgc_column]
[lgc_column grid=”25″ tablet_grid=”25″ mobile_grid=”50″ last=”false”]House Leaders[/lgc_column]
[lgc_column grid=”75″ tablet_grid=”25″ mobile_grid=”75″ last=”true”]- facilitated by Mrs Hutcheson[/lgc_column]
[lgc_column grid=”25″ tablet_grid=”25″ mobile_grid=”50″ last=”false”]Sports Leaders[/lgc_column]
[lgc_column grid=”75″ tablet_grid=”25″ mobile_grid=”75″ last=”true”]- facilitated by Mr Evans[/lgc_column]
[lgc_column grid=”25″ tablet_grid=”25″ mobile_grid=”50″ last=”false”]Reading Zone[/lgc_column]
[lgc_column grid=”75″ tablet_grid=”25″ mobile_grid=”75″ last=”true”]- facilitated by Mrs Amand[/lgc_column]
[lgc_column grid=”25″ tablet_grid=”25″ mobile_grid=”50″ last=”false”]Working group[/lgc_column]
[lgc_column grid=”75″ tablet_grid=”25″ mobile_grid=”75″ last=”true”]- facilitated by tbc[/lgc_column]
Each area liaises with a middle manager or senior leader. Students are familiar with the routines of parents and open evenings and have become reliable ambassadors for the school. Student Voice had devised questionnaires with the focus of improving the learning experience for different subject areas and presented their findings to relevant Heads of Department.