While the worst of the pandemic has now passed, there are still some occasions which might require us to use remote learning to deliver lessons. These instances might include closure due to extreme weather or another unforeseeable circumstance.
How will the lessons be delivered?
- The lessons will be set using the Teams platform.
- All students have been given log in details, and a password. If there are any problems with logging in, we have provided helplines using email or phone.
- We will aim to deliver live lessons for all year groups, but some circumstances might force us to prioritise examination groups.
When will lessons be delivered?
- Students should follow their normal school timetable as all teachers will deliver live lessons, at the time indicated on the timetable.
- If a student cannot attend the lesson for any reason, at the timetabled time, the lesson will be recorded and accessible for a further 48 hours.
- If a teacher cannot deliver a live lesson for any reason, pre recorded work will be uploaded at the start of the day.
- Students should return all work set by 3.00pm the day after the lesson has been delivered, at the latest.
- All PE Core lessons will be an opportunity to take part in a physical challenge. Please try to do physical exercise during this lesson.
How long should I expect the work set to take each day?
- Students will usually have 5 live lessons per day. If the lesson is live, in most cases all work will be completed within the hour.
- If teachers / students cannot deliver / access a live lesson, the work for the lesson will be uploaded at the start of the day and the work will take between 30 minutes to one hour to complete.
- Teachers will prioritise live lessons in years 10 and 11.
If my child cannot access the digital lessons from home, what will you do to support them?
- We will distribute laptops as far as possible.
- We will provide prepaid dongles as far as possible.
- We will purchase additional desktop computers and loan these to families where we fall short in the supply of laptops.
- We will allow students without access to a quiet space to come in to school to complete on line learning in a supervised area. The provision will be from 8.30am until 2.30pm each weekday.
- Printed material will be available each day for collection. Printed materials will last for a week, and be refreshed every Monday morning.
- Completed work can be returned to the school, and will be assessed where appropriate, and returned to the student.
How will my child be taught remotely?
- All teachers will deliver live lessons, as far as possible. If teachers are unable to give live lessons for any reason, they will upload pre-recorded work each day.
- Students should follow their usual school timetable, and complete the work set each day.
- All lessons will be recorded by the teacher and will remain available for 36 hours after the lesson was delivered.
- Printed packs will be available every week. These will be updated each Monday.
- Links to various websites have been circulated, including The National Oak Academy, Bitesize and Mathswatch.
- Text books are available for long term loan.
Engagement and Feedback
- We expect students to complete all the work set, to the best of their ability within the deadlines set. Ideally, students will attend all on line live lessons in Teams, but if this is not possible, they should access the lesson using the recorded version and upload all completed tasks.
- Parents should ensure that children have a calm, quiet space to work. They should also encourage and support their children wherever possible, and alert the Head of Year / Tutor to any problems as they arise.
How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?
- Teachers will check attendance and completion of work for each class, every day. In the first instance of failure to return work the student will receiving an email prompting them to return the assignment set, or to offer an explanation why the assignment hasn’t been returned.
- If a second assignment isn’t returned, parents will be informed and the HOY will be emailed.
- At the end of each week, HOY’s will arrange for parents of students who have consistently failed to return assignments to be contacted.
How will you assess my child’s work and progress?
- Teachers will usually set a short assignment at the end of each lesson which will be either self-assessed or teacher assessed. Larger assessments will be set at least twice per half term. These will be more closely marked by the teacher, and feedback will be offered to each student.
How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?
- We recognise that some students may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We will work with families in the following ways:
- We provided training and guidance for all students in the autumn term 2020 regarding the use of Teams
- We provided printed and electronic step by step guides for families showing the basic log in and use of Teams
- We provide a help desk via email and phone
- Teachers ask for feedback, and respond to queries each lesson, taking time to demonstrate where possible
- In house videos are available for staff and students