We are an 11-16 co-educational Academy with a planned admission number of 180 (temporary agreement) for Year 7 in 2019-2021.
Admission Arrangements
When the demand exceeds the number of places available at Hornchurch High School, places are allocated by applying the following criteria in descending order of priority to applicants who have expressed any preference for our school.
- Looked after children and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a resident order or special guardianship order).
- The attendance in September 2018 of a brother or sister at our school;
- The distance of the home address from our school, as measured by a straight line. Those students living nearer Hornchurch High School being given higher priority.
If, because of oversubscription in any of the categories 1 or 2 above, it is necessary to distinguish between applicants, the distance of the applicant’s home address from the Academy, as measured by a straight line from the Academy, will be used with those students living nearer the school being given higher priority.
Further information on applying for a secondary school place and in-year transfers can be found on the Havering Council website ( https://www.havering.gov.uk/info/20008/school_admissions )